Thursday, 04.11.2021 – Sunday, 07.11.2021 / Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (Semperdepot), Lehargasse 8, Tor 1, 1060 Wien
For COVID reasons we kindly ask you to fill in the registration form until Friday 22 October.
Conference fee: For members of the Austrian Association of Art Historians the admission is free of charge. If you want to join the association, please follow the registration form.
Fees for non-members
Entire conference: Non-members € 50,- / Students: € 20,-
Single day: Non-members and students € 15,-
On the occasion of the conference, we offer membership for 2021 and 2022 at the rate of € 60,- or € 25,- for students.
The final payment deadline is 27th October.
Payment information:
Verband österreichischer Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker
IBAN: AT68 2011 1844 1524 6100
Verwendungszweck: Conference + Name
The conference stream will be made available to you free of charge on the conference website.
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus (Semperdepot), Lehargasse 8, Tor 1, 1060 Wien